Old-Time Santa Claus Stickers
Once Upon a Lifetime: The Epic True Story of Corporal William Wesley Bennett, USMC by Brent A. Peterson
Onesie - History in the Making
Our Shared History Tote
Phillips Park: Aurora's Treasure, An Illustrated History by Ron Moses with John Jaros
Pigeon Hill -- Growing Up Romanian and Mom's Story by George W. Trippon and Mary Trippon
Postcard History Series: Aurora by Jo Fredell Higgins
Reflections on the Transformation of Industrial Aurora
Reimagining Blue: Thoughts on Life, Leadership, and a New Way Forward in Policing by Former Police Chief Kristen Ziman
Roman demi-goddess Aurora (Dawn) Ornament
Slade Images (16" x 20")
Snowflake Post Earrings by Isette
Spacecraft Stickers
Tanner House Ceramic Miniature
Tanner House Magnet
Tanner House Ornament
Ted Strong Jr. -- The untold story of an original Harlem Globetrotter and Negro Leagues All-Star by Sherman L. Jenkins
The 1945 Sears Christmas Book
The Cookie Shop Cookbook: Recipes from Michael D's Cookies 1988-2000 by Debra Connolly Schomer
The Pioneer Zephyr
Train Stickers
Vintage Aurora 2020 Calendar -- Aurora: A Heritage of Diversity
Vintage Aurora 2021 Calendar -- Aurora in the 1920s
Vintage Aurora 2022 Calendar -- Building Aurora